From the series COSMIC LIVES
Leaving Earth orbit to explore other galaxies, Dot took a long trip to outer space to visit an old mate: the Black Hole (BH). Travelling in space is a very peculiar journey. To move through space-time and close to the speed of light, where travellers may find all sorts of space and time distortions near these exotic friends, the black holes, is an intense experience.
Dot was also planning to meet another loving mate, the Worm Hole to have great
fun going into shortcuts through space-time, but unfortunately this cool friend was busy working in another space mission.
BH is an incredibly charming object. So seductive that not even light can escape from inside it. With such gravitational effects, BH is so irresistible, it's unconditional love at first sight. All this seduction comes from its mysterious nature.
The laws of physics predict its existence but science on Earth still cannot explain what happens inside it. It’s said that some black holes are a result of dying stars. Nevertheless, BH was not much interested in knowing how human understanding of the Universe was going on. Instead, it was eager to have a chat on the latest news from the Universe.
Dot: What’s up my dear friend? Everybody always refers to black holes as scary objects, swallowing all around them. Honestly, as weird it might sound, I do not feel I was swallowed.
BH: It doesn’t matter at all. What really counts is the essence that always remains. You travelled from the known to the unknown, you moved from particle to wave and your matter became energy. As you know, nothing is destroyed in the Universe, it merely changes its form. You shift in dimensions.
BH: I don’t go around in space eating my peers or friends, stars, planets or moons, laughing loudly.
Dot: All of this is really fascinating from my dot point of view. Time travel, multiple dimensions, shifting from matter to energy… Why is so difficult for humans to take the next big leap in the understanding of the Universe?
BH: The key is the interconnection mode. When humans really understand that everything, absolutely all in Universe, is connected and collaboration, cooperation become the main math modelling, the matrix from where everything else evolves, rather than competition, division, war, judgment, fear or comparison, me and my peers, the white holes and worm holes, will be able to reveal more information on how we work.
Dot: It’s always mind-blowing talking to you, BH
BH: My pleasure!!!
Dot: Happy to meet you as always so much fun!!! Cosmic time to come back!!! Ready to be gently expelled. Byeeeeee.
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For a cosmic experience, listen to David Bowie - Space Oddity: