Dot met Oded Grajew, Brazilian businessman and social entrepreneur. One of the pioneers in developing the corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes in the Brazilian business sector. He connected many companies to relevant social programmes. Founder of several non-profit organisations, he has worked to promote sustainable development in Brazilian cities and thus, has created an important social legacy to foster social, economic and environmental progress in Brazil for the next generations.
A great learning experience was the importance of signs which Grajew has constantly referred to. His parents were Jewish and left Poland one month before the invasion of Poland by Hitler. They had a premonition that unpleasant things would happen and tried to convince relatives to leave Poland. Unfortunately the relatives decided to continue living in the country and were killed. This tragedy made Grajew always sees the signs and be alert to them, trying to anticipate or perceive the negative and positive sides of each situation. His wise parents’ perception could save his life. "We can't ignore the signs".
Be tuned in to your intuition. Allowing ourselves to be guided by our wise sensors, we may be able to avoid unpleasant life events. Driven by his intuitive sense, Grajew has championed important positive changes in society and has identified precious hidden opportunities.
Touch base with your inner self!!! It's worthy trying!!!
The song Rhapsody in Blue from George Gershwin is a perfect match for this text.